Are you planning to cancel your Indigo credit card because you have changed your mind or it’s too expensive? No worries. This article will explain exactly how to cancel your Indigo credit card account. Before getting into the cancellation methods and steps, here’s what you need to know:
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Things to Know Before Cancelling
The Indigo credit card is issued by Celtic Bank and serviced by Concora Credit Inc. It is marketed as a credit card for people with less-than-perfect credit.
- You must stop using your card and cancel any billing arrangements tied to it. The company will not do this for you.
- Return all physical credit cards to Indigo.
- You are still responsible for paying any outstanding balance, even charges that occur after cancellation.
- The initial annual fee is non-refundable.
- The renewal $59 annual fee charged monthly may be refunded if you cancel within 30 days of the statement showing the fee.
- You will lose access to the remaining credit line when the account closes. Make sure you have enough other available credit.
Indigo Mastercard Offers (Plat-602)
Annual Fee | $75 the first year; $99 thereafter |
APR for Purchases | 24.9% |
APR for Cash Advances | 29.9% |
Foreign Transaction Fee | 1% of each transaction in U.S. dollars |
Cash Advance Fee | $5 or 5% of the amount of each transaction, whichever is greater (not to exceed $100) |
Late Payment Fee | Up to $40 |
Overlimit Fee | Up to $40 |
Returned Payment Fee | Up to $40 |
Rewards | No rewards program |
Check out the Indigo website and read the Terms & Conditions to find out more before cancelling. You can also view their Privacy Policy.
How to Cancel Indigo Credit Card?
Cancelling your Indigo card is straightforward. Here is the step-by-step process:
- Contact Indigo Customer Service: Call 866-946-9545 to speak with a customer service representative. Unfortunately, there is no online chat option and you cannot currently cancel online or via mail.
- Close Your Account: Inform the customer service agent that you want to close your Indigo credit card account. They will process your request.
- Pay Outstanding Balance: Pay any outstanding balance owed in full prior to closing the account.
Things to Consider Before Cancelling
Before closing your Indigo credit card account, consider these potential drawbacks:
- Closing a credit card account can negatively impact your credit score, particularly if you don’t have a long credit history already established.
- You’ll lose access to any remaining credit line associated with the card.
Determine if the benefits of keeping the card outweigh the costs. Also have a backup plan for building credit if you proceed with closure.
This article explained how to cancel Indigo credit card, issued by Celtic Bank and serviced by Concora Credit. Key steps include calling customer service at 866-946-9545 to request closure, ceasing card use, and paying any outstanding balance.
Before cancelling, important considerations include the potential negative credit score impact from closing an account, loss of available credit, forfeiture of the non-refundable $75-$125 initial annual fee, and losing any credit-building benefits.
The Indigo Mastercard has ongoing annual fees ranging from $75-$99. Other costs include 24.9% APR on purchases, 29.9% APR on cash advances, and fees for transactions like cash advances, late payments, overlimit, and returned payments. There are no rewards offered.