Have you decided the Sephora credit card is no longer right for you? Maybe the rewards don’t justify the annual fee or you’ve found a new card with better perks. Whatever the reason, cancelling is easy. This article will walk you through exactly How to Cancel Sephora Credit Card and what to know and do before closing your Sephora credit card account.
Before Cancellation: What You Need to Know
Before cancelling your Sephora visa or store credit card, here are some key things to understand:
- Sephora credit cards and accounts are issued by Comenity Capital Bank.
- There are no Sephora cancellation fees, but other charges like pending returns or transactions may be posted later.
- Safely disposing of the card does not cancel your Beauty Insider account or accumulated rewards and points
- Redeem your rewards before cancellation
- You can transfer automatic payment to a new credit card
- Call the credit card company for cancellation
- For extra protection, you can request to send your cancellation letter
- You’re still responsible for any outstanding balances or pending transactions during the closure period
How to Cancel Your Sephora Credit Card?
Cancelling your Sephora visa or retail credit card only takes one quick phone call. Here’s how simple it is:
- Call the number on the back of your card.
- To cancel your Sephora credit card or retail charge account, call Comenity Capital Bank at one of the following numbers:
- Sephora Visa Card: 1-866-841-5037
- Sephora Credit Card: 1-866-702-9946
- Comenity Capital Bank issues and manages all Sephora credit cards. Contact their customer service department to close your account.
- For hearing impaired assistance, their TDD/TTY line is 1-888-819-1918. This connects you with an operator to relay your cancellation over the phone.
- Provide identifying details when prompted. This includes your full name, account number, social security number and address.
- Clearly state that you want to close the account. Be explicit that you wish to cancel and close your credit card.
- Confirm details like final bill payment and closure date. Make sure outstanding amounts or pending returns are posted correctly after cancellation.
Wrap Up
Closing out your Sephora credit card or store charge card account is straightforward. Simply call the number I provided above to start the cancellation process. Make sure all open returns or payments are processed before account closure.
With this guide, you now have all the information needed to successfully cancel your Sephora credit card. The process is quick and only takes one brief phone call.